
Pat uses a variety of techniques when telling different types of stories. Ranging from journalism, marketing communications, public speaking, training curriculums, to creative writing, Pat has authored several short stories and blogs. She also combines her skills as a writer/artist/photographer to create garden journals and botanical illustrations.

She has worked as a stringer for several newspapers, presented over thirty Toastmaster speeches, and has taken every creative writing course she could find. When she and her husband first moved to North Carolina, she researched and developed IT courses for a large bank in Charlotte

After retirement Pat opened two businesses: one for breeding Nubian goats and the other for making goat milk soaps. Wanting to tell stories about building a farmstead, Pat development her first blog in 2003. Using her photojournalistic experience, Pat has developed several blogs each telling stories about life on the farm.

When Pat was a Master Gardener for Stanly County, she developed, edited, and authored research-based gardening articles for The Stanly Quarterly newsletter.

While working on her Certificate in Native Plants from UNC Charlotte Botanical Gardens she took a course in Botanical Illustrations where her passion for drawing was reignited. Pat specializes in botanical art.

Pat and her husband of 41 years live on a small farm in Stanly County since 2000 where they live with their cats, dogs, chickens, goats, and horses. Pat has three degrees: B.A. Art, M.A. Journalism, and M.H.R. Organizational Development.